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The Quantitative Neuroimaging Environment & Toolbox (QuNex) is an open-source software suite that collectively supports an extensible framework for data organization, preprocessing, quality assurance, and analyses across neuroimaging modalities, co-developed by the Anticevic Lab at Yale University, the Mind and Brain Lab at University of Ljubljana, and the Murray Lab at Dartmouth College.

QuNex Quick Start

To get started with QuNex please register and then refer to the Quick Start Guide.

Citing QuNex

  • Ji JL*, Demšar J*, Fonteneau C, Tamayo Z, Pan L, Kraljič A, Matković A, Purg N, Helmer M, Warrington S, Winkler A, Zerbi V, Coalson TS, Glasser MF, Harms M, Sotiropoulos SN, Murray JD, Anticevic A†, Repovš G† (*,† denote equal contribution); QuNex – An Integrative Platform for Reproducible Neuroimaging Analytics.;